6 Things That Will Bring a Smile to Every Mom's Face
The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for all of us. With so many people out of work and the death count rising, it is no wonder that morale is low in households across the nation. But sometimes all it takes to raise your mood on gloomy days is a little smidgen of good news.
Here are six things that we have come across lately that have made the skies seem a little brighter. Hopefully, they will pick you up too.
With everyone stuck indoors, Amazon deliveries offer a rare connection to the outside world. A family’s front door security camera recently captured their local delivery man pausing to play a quick game of hopscotch on the board their children had drawn in chalk. During times like these, remember that any fun game or message that you and your kids can leave for essential workers is likely to bring a little joy to their day.
Right now, all social gatherings are cancelled, but that does not mean that a little boy’s birthday party went un-celebrated. Instead of having the birthday party he planned for, 7-year-old Jackson enjoyed a parade of family and friends rolling by his house in cars and dropping presents in an attempt to let him know how special he is, while remaining socially distanced.
Bringing a new life into the world is always a celebration, but with social distancing measures in place new babies are only being welcomed by their parents and siblings...that is until this mom came up with a safe way to introduce her bundle of joy to the important people in his life. Watch as Milo’s grandparents, cousins, and friends meet him for the first time through a window.
Kids can be a bottomless well of entertainment, and this 7-year-old is no disappointment. In an attempt to take online classes seriously, he donned a full suit for his Zoom meeting and then subtly let his dad know that he was not to be interrupted. We dare you to look at this picture without cracking at least a small smile.
When actress Kristen Bell explained to her young daughters that she would be donating money to hungry kids in light of the global pandemic, they insisted that they wanted to help. Together, Kristen and her daughters opened up their piggy banks and added $7.96 to Kristen’s $150,000 donation, proving that a generous spirit can be present at any age.
A group of high school students in Michigan have carried on their duty of public service from home by sewing facemasks for members of their community who are not able to quarantine. A dedicated group of 12 teenagers have been able to produce more than 300 masks, a truly incredible feat.
So remember that in times of crisis, human creativity really shines as we find new ways to connect with one another. Stay safe. We will get through this together.